This weekend my family and I hit up to waterfalls the first one was Dry Falls in North Carolina. You can read all about that adventure by clicking here. The second one was here in Georgia. The name of it is Tallulah Falls. As I mentioned before we are on a mission to see all of the Georgia waterfalls and maybe a few extra. We actually hadn't planned on going to Tallulah but as we were driving home I saw the sign and I told The Husband that since :: Keep Reading ::
Hiking My New Love
My family and I have recently just fallen in love with hiking. I mean it has just been so exciting. We have seen some amazing things. Who knew that Georgia had so many beautiful things to offer. Right now we are challenging ourselves to visit all the waterfalls located in Georgia. The more we research it the more we find other great things that this amazing state of ours has to offer - I feel we might have to invest in a multi-person tent soon so :: Keep Reading ::
First Month of Working Out In 2016 Done
I am so absolutely proud of myself. I have completed a month of working out. Well technically twenty-seven days. three days I didn't work out. But it's no biggie everyone can take a break every once in a while. It only becomes a problem when you your breaks become longer and longer until you aren't working out at all. I actually had to convince myself that it was okay to not workout those days. I think I am just scared that if I take those days I :: Keep Reading ::
Family Hike At Vogel State Park & Helton Creek Falls
This weekend my family and I decided to go hiking. The Husband had seen a picture of a view on Instagram and he asked the poster where the picture was taken. The poster was gracious enough to tell him that it was taken after climbing the Blood Mountain Trail here in Georgia. So he decided that is what we would do that weekend. We headed out after figuring out how to get to the trail. We found out that the trail could be reached through Vogel :: Keep Reading ::