Before having kids I knew I was going to love and nurture my kids into being great people. I knew my job as the mom of my little humans was to protect them and guide them. As my kids got older I continued to do what I considered to be guiding them. I admonished their decisions when they made poor ones and I praised their good decisions. But I also wanted them to do what I told them to do when I asked them to. Very rarely would I consider their :: Keep Reading ::
Are We In The Stone Age
I understand people are allowed to have opinions but I just think some opinions should be kept to yourself. People do things differently. For example people raise their children different. No one person raises their child exactly the same way. Raising kids is a touchy subject for me. I mean I can hear advice but don't try to force me to take your advice or think your way is the better way. :: Keep Reading ::
6 Things Your Teen Should Know After Getting Their First Job
It is really exciting when your child gets their first job. If you're wondering what they can do work-wise at such a young age, Careers4U has a great list of things that children as young as 14 may be able to do, so could be well worth sharing with your teenager to give them a bit of inspiration. I was excited when Nishe' got her first job. I'll be excited when Tyler gets his. He may need help writing his first-ever resume so I'll have to check :: Keep Reading ::
She Dissected A What……..
As my kids get higher up in grades I am beginning to realize how different my education was than theirs. We live in the same school system that I grew up in but they are in a different school. I actually wish they were in the area that I went to. Then I don't think our experiences would be much different than mine. My nephew actually goes to the same school that I went to and he has had similar experience to me. I didn't realize how different :: Keep Reading ::
He’s A Teenager Now And I’m Scared
Last Friday Tyler officially became a teenager. I am thrilled, scared, and sad at the same time. Him becoming a teenager has so many meanings to me. That means eventually he will be more into girls and the possibility of sex is higher, and he's going to have to learn how to hide a boner, I guess? He told me he wants to wait until he gets married but still the temptation is still out there. Soon he'll be on the roads driving a car or a scooter. :: Keep Reading ::