NaBloPoMo: Talk about a surprise that made you happy. (December 2nd) I love when The Husband surprises me. Sometimes things can be so tough on us that often aren't able to do things for each other. One time that really stands out for me is the first time he bought me an Edible Arrangement. :: Keep Reading ::
My Favorite Holiday Memory
This month as a way to challenge myself to post more frequently I am participating in a writing prompt challenge through Blogher called NaBloPoMo. Blogher provides the writing prompts and then you choose one and write. I'm a bit behind so I chose one that was shared previously. This prompt was to share your favorite holiday memory. The website says it can even be our birthday. When I read this a memory popped into my head. So I'm sharing a :: Keep Reading ::
Marriage & Relationships: Life Is Too Short To Stay Angry
Today God sent me an unexpected message. The message was life is too short to stay angry or hold a grudge. The Husband and I have been married for 15 years and while we love each other sometimes when we have disagreements I tend to lose sight of what is important because I am to stubborn to let go and move on. Yesterday and this morning was one of those days. We had, had a disagreement last night and I woke up this morning :: Keep Reading ::
5 Ways I Ease My Stress
This week was a rough one for me. Things just weren't going the way that I wanted them to. I wasn't getting along with The Husband due to reasons that were my fault. We can both be stubborn at times and it takes us time to get back right. When we don't get along it causes me to have writer's block. I don't really know what to write about because I'm focusing on what is going on with us. I hate it when that happens. It's like my imagination just :: Keep Reading ::
Prenup or Not?
I have been watching the show The Real. In one episode they were talking about prenups and whether or not a couple should have one or not. 3 out of 5 of the hosts are married so each of them went through and said whether they had one or not. Tamar said that she and Vince didn't have one, Tamera said she and her husband had one, and Jeannie Mai said that she and her husband had one. I've also heard about prenups in the news and on other shows. :: Keep Reading ::