When I started working at my job just two years ago it had been almost ten years since I had a job. Just weeks prior I almost took a job that I absolutely didn't want. That job was in the fast-food industry. But that day didn't go as planned at all. The only job that I had where I lasted more than a year was at another restaurant. So I knew that I didn't want to work in food. I knew that I wanted to work with children. At the time this job showed :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Monday: I Got To Clean My House
It's time for another Self Love Monday! I hope your week was as good as mine was. It is almost time for school to be out. I honestly can't wait. The stress of grades and everything will be off the table and we can take time to relax. Pretty soon graduation will be behind us and we will all be able to just breathe for a bit. The summer weekends will be a time to just relax. I am so looking forward to it. I have never looked forward to summer as :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Monday: Finally Went Thrifting
It's time for a new week. We all know the most dreaded day of the week is Monday. That isn't the case for me anymore. I actually look forward to Mondays now. Because I have named them Self Love Monday on the blog. Just a reminder Self Love Monday is when I pat myself on the back for my accomplishments the week before. :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Mondays: Patience And Good Temper
I want to introduce you all to a new weekly post that I have come up with. I am calling it Self Love Mondays. This is a posts where in the spirit of positivity that I will find something to pat myself on the back for or recognize something good in myself. Just basically to acknowledge me. Sometimes we are so good at beating up ourselves that we forget to recognize the good in ourselves. It so easy to pick out the negative. I want to find some :: Keep Reading ::