Happy Monday everyone! It's that time again. Tell me what you are proud of this week. What did you accomplish? I of course will go first. :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Mondays: Patience And Good Temper
I want to introduce you all to a new weekly post that I have come up with. I am calling it Self Love Mondays. This is a posts where in the spirit of positivity that I will find something to pat myself on the back for or recognize something good in myself. Just basically to acknowledge me. Sometimes we are so good at beating up ourselves that we forget to recognize the good in ourselves. It so easy to pick out the negative. I want to find some :: Keep Reading ::
Everyone Has A Moment
The other day I was sitting and scrolling on Facebook. I came across a friend's post. I was surprised to see that she was having a moment. She didn't feel great about something. I was honestly surprised because usually she is this confident woman. I couldn't believe she had a moment just like I have had on so many occasions. :: Keep Reading ::
Claiming My Self Worth
Claiming My Self Worth I have been thinking about self worth a lot lately. Mainly because in the business I am in. Which is blogging sometimes you have to answer the question on how much you think your services are worth quite often. Many times I have thought I lowballed myself. Which makes me think of how my much I value myself. Self worth is very important. You have to calculate how much you think are worth and then sell it when :: Keep Reading ::