I am still on my mission to read more. This year I really haven’t read as many books as I wanted to but I definitely have been making more time to read. I am even starting to get into reading more books online. I still prefer to read a physical book but reading online is better for late nights so I am okay with that. Let’s go ahead and talk about my latest read The Proposal.
The book The Proposal is the story about Nik and Carlos who met in one of the strangest ways. Nik was at a Dodgers baseball game with her boyfriend named Fisher who happened to be a celebrity. Fisher decided it would be a great idea to propose to Nikole after only dating her for five months and them never discussing it at all in private. He proposed to her on the jumbotron in front of everyone at the stadium and he even misspelled her name with a “c” instead of a “k”. He wasn’t exactly thrilled when she said no to him so he left her at the stadium with no way home. Carlos and his sister comes to Nik’s rescue when he sees television cameras and reporters coming towards Nik when she wasn’t looking. They stopped the cameras from coming to interview her. That’s how their whole story began. As you read you will find out they are both dealing with some things in their personal life. Nik is trying to deal with the fall out of saying no to Fisher. She is dealing with being on the news, getting threats on social media, and Fisher texting her some not so great things. Plus she still hasn’t gotten the past the negativity of another past relationship where the person did nothing but criticize her. Carlos is still dealing with the passing of his father. He believes that he has to be there for his entire family. So neither one of them feel like they have time for a relationship. So when they get together they both agree that they want to keep their relationship casual. Neither want to be in anything serious. This is a romance novel so we all know that their plan isn’t going to work.

I really did enjoy this book. I hated the way Nik was treated by her boyfriend Fisher and her other ex Justin. They really did a number on poor Nik. She had a hard time trusting and believing that Carlos loved her. I defintely understand her being hesistant after what Fisher did to her. I don’t think I would be able to trust anyone as quickly either if I were in her shoes. Who would want a relationship after all of that? I also can understand Carlos’ position a little. He is the only male in his family. Well besides his cousin Jessie’s husband. He felt that since he was the man of the family he had to take care of the family. He really throws himself into his family when his cousin gets pre-eclampsia. He is a doctor and being the doctor of the family he felt even more obligated to take care of his family. So he just felt he had no time for a relationship. I love how their personalities just mesh together. They just seem to belong together. Carlos is there for Nik when she really needs him and Nik is there for Carlos when he really needs her. I thought it was great that they fell in love without never really realizing it until later. I laughed while reading the book a few times. It was definitely worth reading. Only thing I am disappointed about is I found out that this book is book two of a series. I hate reading books in a series out of order. I do plan on getting the other books though.
You can find the proposal and the other books in this series at Amazon and other book stores.