I am trying to make time to do the things that I love. One of those things is reading. I finally finished my first book of 2019. I celebrated it in my Self Love Monday post. So I am here to share my review of the book that I just finished reading The Sunday List Of Dreams.
The Sunday List Of Dreams by Kris Radish is a book about Connie Franklin Nixon. She is a divorced nurse who is retiring from her current job as a nurse at a hospital and preparing to start a new job. Before she starts the new job she has some time in between. She decides that that time is the time to start working on a list of dreams that she has been working on for the past 30 years. Number one on her list was repairing the relationship with her oldest daughter Jessica. Their relationship has been strained for sometime and neither know the real reason why. Her desire to fix the relationship and complete other items on her list becomes even stronger when she decides to tackle another item on her list which was clean out her garage. While starting this task she comes across a box of her daughter Jessica’s belongings and discovers that she owns a sex toy empire. She is shocked that she doesn’t know something so big about her daughter. It encourages her to hop on a plane and head to New York to reconnect with her child. She doesn’t know that this decision will lead to her completely so many task on her lists like dating, stop being afraid, and have sex again. She is a woman in her later years trying to fulfil the dreams that she has written about in more than half her lifetime. Her journey makes her an inspiration to women both young and old.

At first I didn’t think I would like this book. I was reading and started to think I had made a mistake. I quickly realized though I didn’t dislike the book because of the content but because I saw myself in this woman. I have so many things that I want to do that I have yet to start working on. Once Connie started actually working on the tasks on her list and letting go at the same time she started enjoying herself. She still had some rough patches but she got over them over time. We as moms and wives get so wrapped up in just life that sometimes we forget that we have our own dreams to focus on. I loved seeing Connie find out who she is, reconnecting with her daughter, and trying new things. She started faces her own fears and it started taking her far and on new adventures. Some of it even rubbed off on her daughter.
I wound up really enjoying this book. It was a really great read. Watching this woman wound up forming her own path. She started living life on her terms and taking chances By her deciding to do this she started helping others. I actually wound up admiring her. As she grew I enjoyed her journey. The SundayList Of Drams turned out to be pleasantly amazing, very inspiring, and motivating.