Lately I have been wanting to improve my blog. One of the things I wanted to improve on my site is the header. I was going to order a header but then my friend surprised me with one that she had made for me. She too had noticed I need a more professional header. I thought it was great! She had made it in my favorite color and everything. She has even offered to make some changes. I thanked her for the header and asked her how much she was going to charge for it. I told her I didn’t have the money right now but I could pay her later. She let me know that there was no charge. She said if it were a business proposition she would have let me know up front. Which I truly believe her. She is an honest business person. She actually makes tutus for a living which made me even more honored that she made this header for me. I just felt that I should ask her if there was a a charge.
I’ve actually seen post from other Facebook friends where family members or friends expected a discount for their work because they knew them. I feel a person should be paid for their services unless they choose to do a discount or let that service be free. I don’t think it should just be assumed that someone will do something for free. I’m actually glad I asked my friend that question. She did such a fantastic job I had to at least offer.
When someone volunteers to do a service and doesn’t bring up a price do you offer to pay or do you assume the service is free?
This was a GREAT read!!!! A lot of times people don’t look at it the same way. I appreciate it when a person offers to pay for my volunteer services but it’s not something I expect and it’s not my intent to receive funds. However, I do NOT like when people (it’s mostly family members & friends) who reaches out to ME for my products and/or services & automatically assume that I will be doing it for free or at a discount. It puts me in awkward position because more the services/products provided still takes the same amount of time. effort, and cost as it does with my regular clients. I would rather be the one to initiate a possible discount or freebie. Not them.
If someone offers ME a service and I didn’t ask, I may be inclined to ask upfront is there a fee before they try to go on and on about this or that to save us both the trouble. But if it’s ME who is offering the volunteer service/product, I always mention that it will be fee upfront. That way a person doesn’t feel obligated or pressured.