I sometimes find myself in a debate with myself about some of the topics I want to post about in my blog. Sometimes I want to share an argument that The Husband and I had and get opinions but at the same time I don’t want to appear like I am bashing him, make it seem like I am completely innocent, or I don’t value him. I just want to share marriages ups and downs and get a little personal. does that make sense? I don’t want to make it seem like my life is all roses. Plus since my life is my niche I basically want to be a little more open about it. Of course I do have my limits. I won’t share any and everything but just give a little insight into my world. Plus it allows me to get advice. I mean let’s face it. I don’t know everything. I could use a little help from time to time. I’ve talked to him about it and he doesn’t seem to care one way or the other as long as I don’t make him look like an evil monster which honestly I would never do. Ha ha ha!! My marriage is sacred to me just like my parenting is but I can always stand to learn new things. Also I can share in a tactful manner. I wouldn’t allow either one of us to be bashed. I guess I guess it is something I will just have to figure out.
I also struggle with whether or not my readers find the things I tall about interesting but I have to realize everyone isn’t going to find everything I say interesting just like in real life. Guess I just have to figure out my boundaries and what I want to share. After writing it out I believe I have a good idea as to what I want to do.
I bash my hubs lol but its a learning process and someone else can learn from our mistakes that is the place I come from when I do say something about him. It’s not all positive in marriage so discussing the negative is good that’s how I know marriage is real. Come from the heart with whatever you write not everyone will love it but many will read it.
Kita recently posted…Pinteresting Wednesday
Thanks you are such a big help.
It’s your site, and I say share and write whatever you want! I would suggest that you not write when you are upset with your hubs, only because sometimes we let ourselves get carried away and a little to ugly sometimes (I have to hold my tongue A LOT!). But I only offer that advice because I’d hate for you to put something out there that you may regret later. But when talking about marriage, it is 100% true that it has its ups and downs, and I think with all the “prettied up” posts we see every day online, it’s good to hear that other people have the same problems we do! Plus, like you said, others can maybe give you some advice or a different perspective if you aren’t sure how to handle a situation. 🙂
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I totally agree. I try not to do anything out of anger. Doing anything out of anger always has the potential to make a situation worst. So I will always make sure I calm down first before I say anything.
I don’t write about any serious disagreements. Something silly, yes, and always with his approval, but personal stuff, nope, doesn’t see the blog.
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I won’t get to personal. Just talk about some things mainly I need to work on. Things like that.