I love experiencing new things. Especially things that I have never thought about experiencing. It is so fun to find new things to do. The Husband is great at finding cool things to do. I really admire his ability to find new things for us to experience. He absolutely surprises me with this knack. However all the adventures we go on are so fun. The one he planned for this weekend was absolutely amazing! A few months back he scheduled a trip for us to take a Train Robbery Excursion in Nashville, Tennessee with Tennessee Central Railway Museum. I was so excited to go. He planned it in June. So I had some time to wait but I just wanted the time to speed up.
Being that the trip was in Nashville, Tennessee which is a 3 1/2 hour drive for us our day started out pretty early. We left the house at 3:30am. We left early enough to make a special stop at this gas station called Buc-ees that I heard a great deal about on TikTok. It was a really nice gas station and huge. You can take care of a number of your needs at this place. I wound up purchasing a glow-in-the-dark shirt for The Husband and I. After that we hit the road again. We officially got to Tennessee at about 6 our time and 5 theirs. We drove a little longer before we pulled into a rest area and slept for about an hour. We woke up around 7am and hit the road again. As we were driving we got an update about an accident on the road and the time from there kept putting us in Nashville later and later until it got to the point where it was saying we wouldn’t get there until around 9:30am. We both got worried so The Husband called to speak to someone to see how long they could wait on us before the train pulled off. On the website it said that they were pulling off promptly at 9am. The person said that they could give us a few minutes but not long. As luck would have it a few minutes after we got off the phone with him we were given an alternate route which put us at the location at 8:45am. So we made it in plenty of time. We got on the train and was off in a few minutes.

Let me tell you guys this train was really nice. I don’t know how many cars there were but I do know in order to get to the dining car from our car it was like five cars back. We actually started to go but then changed our minds. We were in coach. Our seats were able to be reclined and turn them around to face the direction the train was traveling. I was excited for the robbery . From what I understood money from the robbery would be donated to a scholarship fund for Watertown students in memory of Sue Talley. At first the sheriff and his deputy came through looking for anyone who had information on rumors about a train robbery and they were also looking for someone. You know I had to get a few pictures. Then about 30 minutes later some people came through and took pictures. We were all enjoying the ride when we heard gunshots outside of the train. We looked out the window and saw the robbers hiding in the grass. After seeing them outside some of the robbers came on board and demanded our money. People started putting money in the hat. The robbers were gone within maybe 5 minutes. We thought we were all clear until another set of robbers came though one of which was a young boy. I was trying not to smile but the little boy robber was too cute. We were all thoroughly entertained. After they went through they were the last ones. We all had a great time. I never thought I would say this but I had so much fun being robbed.

After the robbery we were dropped off in a small town called Watertown. We were there for a little over two hours. The citizens of Watertown were all so nice. We walked around and saw what the town had to offer. We found a nice Mexican restaurant called Mi Ranchito to eat at. The food was really good. I had some really good nachos. Once our bellies were full we continued to walk around the area. We were trying to stay in the area because we were told there was going to be a shootout. Some of the actors from the train robbery were there and I took a few moments to get a few pictures with some of them. These actors and actresses were so nice. We were about to explore a small collectibles store when the shootout started. We quickly made our way back just in time to witness it. It was really entertaining there was a standoff between the sheriff and a guy drinking in public and then they wanted to find the best shooter. Next we went to an area where the actors and actresses were able to show off some of their shooting skills. One young lady really had me impressed she shot through playing cards while this one guy was holding it. Then they had some races between the kids that were there on toy horses. The kids seemed to really enjoy that. We also went into a small toy collectible store and met WWE wrestling legend Gangrel. Once the train came back we boarded and headed back to the Tennessee Central Railway Museum. The ride back was really peaceful. The Husband and I slept for most of the trip. We needed the rest cause we had a 3 1/2 hour ride back home.

We really enjoyed this experience. It truly exceeded our expectations. My favorite person of the whole trip was lead service attendant. He was really nice and checked on all of us passengers constantly. We did make it home safely even after stopping to get more food and getting stuck in traffic in Georgia. It was different from anything else that we have ever done. It was definitely worth the trip. We liked it so much that we are planning on going on another trip as soon as we can. Tickets for us were $51.00 each. You need to buy the tickets as soon as possible though because they go really fast. This would be a great family outing or date. The Husband and I would love to go back with our kids as well. I can’t wait for our next adventure.