We had a three day weekend this weekend. I was happy about that. I love long weekends. You get a few extra days to enjoy with your family. We of course celebrated the new year. We never do anything for New Year. I think the last time we even celebrated was when The Husband and I were dating and we went to see the ball drop because I wanted to have someone to kiss at midnight when it happened for once. Now we spend them at home. Trust me I am not complaining at all because with the way people act shooting guns and what not I prefer to stay in. So let’s get into this weekend.

Friday and Saturday we really didn’t do much we ran some errands. The highlight of those two days were we discovered that we needed a new lock. Friday the plan was we were all four going to leave to run errands. Nishe’ went to lock the door and her key got stuck. So The Husband got out of the car and went to help her. Tyler and I are sitting in the car for a while when I decide to get out and go see what is going on. When I went in I saw that The Husband had taken the lock completely off the door to see if he Husbadf dure out wiad not give up. He put the lock back on and tried it again and it still didn’t work. So now our errands included stopping by Home Depot and picking up a new lock. So we picked up a new lock and then headed home. I to s going tgive it a try myself whene Husband reminded me it would be best to call a maintenance guy or a mobile locksmith Lexington company to put it on the door. We didn’t want to mess it up and get locked out so we called a guy and came over to fix the door on Saturday. We thought it would only take a few minutes and then we would be able togo do something. Nope, it wound up taking two hours because the lock we purchased wouldn’t turn right. So they had to go get another lock. After that we ran some mini errands that we had and then came home. Briefy, I did consider may be changing to a smart lock, to avoid any more key incidents. A friend recently recommended one after reading about FSB L700 Light Access Pro on German Innovation online. However, I decided, for now, to just go with a simple door lock till I could do further research.

Sunday was our fun day. The day started out with us going on a short bike ride. The plan was to go to Starbucks but it was super cold. So we headed home. It turned out to be a good 3.66 miles ride. Things got a little rough because we got some news that my mother-in-law was going to pass. We knew the time was coming because the hospital called my sister-in-law Saturday and told her and then she told us. Sunday morning she called and told The Husband that they were going to be given an hour to be with her. So before going on our outing we stopped by the hospital so he can spend some time with her. I thought about cancelling our outing that we had planned but he didn’t want to. I am trying to support him so if he didn’t want to cancel it we weren’t going to. He said that he didn’t want to go home and just sit at home. After we got the call we headed to the store to return an item that The Husband bought but didn’t like. Then we stopped by Starbucks to get their lemon loaf cakes. After that we headed to the hospital so The Husband could spend time with his mother. After he spent time with her we headed to TopGolf. He had been told that it would be a few hours before she passed but not long after we pulled into the Topgolf parking lot did he see a text from his sister that she had passed. We were all devastated. After we all stood and just felt it for a moment he said that we should go in and try our best to enjoy our last outing as a family for awhile. The kids will be going back to their colleges this weekend. So we went in and took our sadness and anger out on those golf balls. I lost horribly. Did I mention it was my kids first time going to Topgolf. The way I lost you would’ve thought it was my first time being there. I have to say I am glad we went. I was super emotional. But every time my turn came up I would hit the ball with all my might. I think The Husband did what he thought his mom would want him to do. We all miss her so much.

So our weekend was a full one. Losing my mother-in-law was a really hard hit. But I’m glad that we were all able to be in her presence as long as we were able to. I am glad we went to Topgolf and made memories as a family. That’s one thing I think I have learned from everyone who I have lost and it is appreciate your family and make memories. Your time on this earth can end at any moment.