Today I was flipping through the Tv trying to find something to watch like always because usually there is nothing on. Because of this, I usually end up watching streaming channels instead so that I can actually find something I want to watch. To help me figure it out a little, I often use online reviews and movie guides to help me find the right fit. Studies like the NewCasinoSites study make it easy to find the right film and actually let you enjoy what you watch, rather than waste your time on a poor film. You can head to the study here if you want to see some recommendations. However, on this occasion, I decide to continue flicking through the channels. I finally landed on B.E.T and to my surprise one of my favorite movies of all time was on. The movie was The Wiz. I watch this movie whenever it comes on television. I have been a huge fan of this movie since I was a kid. I used to drive my mom crazy cause every chance I got I would go in her and my dad’s room and watch it whenever I could cause she recorded it on tape and her and my dad had the only VCR we owned in their room. Man do you all remember the VCR. My kids probably wouldn’t remember what a VCR is since it has been years since we had one. Ha ha ha!! I actually have a long list of movies that I watch whenever they are on Tv but I thought I would share my top 10:
1. Baby Boom: This movie is about a woman named J.C. who is on a mission to continue moving up in the company that she works for. She has no desire to have any kids because her career is most important to her. She has a boyfriend who also isn’t looking to have any children. Then one night she gets a call informing her that a distant cousin has passed away and has left something for her. She doesn’t find out until the next day that what was left for her is in fact a child. That’s when her whole life changes.
I love this movie because you get to see this woman who has no desire to have children become this amazing mother and has no problem sacrificing and changing her life for the little girl who suddenly speared in her life.
2. Imitation Of Life (Both Versions): This movie is about two single mothers who happened to cross each other paths. One was a white single mother Lora who wanted to become an actress and needed someone to watch her young daughter Susie. One day she meets Annie who is black and her daughter Sara Jane. Sara Jane loves her mom but resents her because her mom lets everyone know that she is black. Sara Jane is light skinned. Her skin is so fair that she can pass for white and that’s what she wants to do. She feels if she passes for white then her life would be easier.
This movie is so sad but I watch it every time. A mom and daughter struggling to keep a relationship. The daughter wants her mom to just let her go but the mom wants her daughter to just accept who she is.
3. Beaches: This movie is about two young girls who have a chance meeting. One lives a privileged life and the other is a struggling actress who lives a middle class life. They become friends and form a long friendship. They are always there for each other when it was necessary. There relationship was always like this until the end.
I think I like this movie because I always wanted a friendship like this. A lifelong friend who I can count on.
4. Save The Last Dance: This movie is about a girl named Sara who moves to Chicago after the death of her mother to live with her father. Before her mom died she was a dancer and had dreams of going to Julliard. However when her mom died for awhile she couldn’t bring herself to dance anymore until she meets her boyfriend Derek who encourages her to pursue her dreams. She didn’t want to dance anymore because she felt that it was her fault that her mother died because her mom was rushing to see her audition for Julliard at the time of her death.
I love this movie. I have always loved dance movies I think it’s because when I was younger I wanted to be a dancer but never got a chance to so I live my dreams through these types of movies.
5. Best Man: This movie is about five friends. One named Harper is an author. He has written a book based on his friends and himself. In the book he writes about an encounter he had with the fiancée of his best friend Lance. He is trying to keep the book from Lance so that he doesn’t find out about the encounter because Lance might call off the wedding once he finds out about it. To make matters worst Harper is the Best Man at the wedding.
I like this movie because it has 4 of my favorite actors/actresses in it. I think they all worked well together. I thought it was a excellent movie.
6. Crooklyn: This movie is about a young girl named Troy who is growing up in a house full of boys. She is the only girl. She also is trying to deal with her parents difficult relationship. They are trying to survive life in Brooklyn, New York in the 1970’s. They are a middle class family. The dad is a struggling musician and the mom is a school teacher.
This movie is just great to me although it had one sad moment. I enjoyed seeing Troy grow up and take on life.
7. Daddy’s Little Girls: This movie is about a man named Monty who lives a middle class life style who is trying to get custody of his 3 daughters after the girls grandmother passes away. He has to battle the girls’ mother in court. She lives with her drug dealer boyfriend. She doesn’t want the girls but she doesn’t want their dad to have them.
This is one of my favorite movies because I like the bond that the girls have with their dad. How it puts men in a good light cause often they are placed in a bad one.
8. The Holiday This movie is about two women who switch homes with each other to get away from their problems. They wind up forming relationships with people where they are vacationing and falling in love.
I just thought this movie was really sweet. I am a fan of Cameron Diaz. I like the way the story ended. One of my friends gets to watch these awesome movies in their home cinema! Jealous! Apparently they got their home cinema installed through Audio Video Installers in London.
I’ve watched several on this list – especially Beaches and The Holiday. My favorite movie to watch over and over is Shawshank Redemption. It’s beautiful and painful at the same time. Thanks for giving me some new ones to watch. Hoping I can find them on Netflix.
Ann at Mundane Magic recently posted…College Necessities at Kmart #KmartBackToSchool
SHawshank Redemption is on my list as well. My list is so long but I decided to narrow it down to 8 because I can go on and on. Ha ha ha!!!
Like your list but it is not my kind of movies that I like to see. I more like action, and thriller.
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