I can’t believe that April is already almost over. This month has been a really good one so far. I feel like this year is really flying by. I mean we are already on the 4th month of 2023. So let’s do a quick recap of the month so far. :: Keep Reading ::
Hi There…. It’s Been A Minute
I know it has been awhile since I’ve written. Let me tell you life has been pretty hectic as of late. I’m still adjusting to working full time. Let me tell you it’s not easy. I’m having to find time for things that I used to have time for. Like spending time with my kids when they are home, housework, or even cooking a meal. :: Keep Reading ::
It’s Not All Downhill From Here Review
I have finished my third book of 2023. I am so proud of myself. I will be honest I kind of cheated cause my second book was an audiobook. But a book is a book. I am doing great so far this year reading. I am hoping to continue especially with everything I have going on. I am determined to not let my hobbies fall by the way side. Let’s talk about this book. :: Keep Reading ::
Layla Book Review
Lately I have been getting into audio books. I mainly listen to them on my way to & from work. It just gives me something to listen to along the way. I also like to listen to them while I walk as well. Don’t get me wrong I still prefer a physical book but I can get behind a great audio book. :: Keep Reading ::
3 pounds & Counting
Last week I did the best I’ve ever done since I started my fitness journey this year. I was really mindful of how I ate and what I ate. It was not easy but I did it. I pretty much stayed within my calorie range all week except for once. But that’s okay. I’m still getting up early to workout. I either do some cardio or hit the treadmill I missed once but I made up for it by making sure I actually moved around at work which was easy because I :: Keep Reading ::