It is actually kind of funny that the topic I have chosen for my Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop this week is write about a lesson you learned. Yep that’s right that means it’s Thursday. The options this week were:
1. A lesson you learned
2. The first concert you ever attended
3. Write a post inspired by the word brave
4. 10 things Will and Kate will need to survive baby’s first year
5. First crush
I chose number one because in just a matter of weeks I learned the importance of having a back up plan and backing up my files. Since both pertain to backing something up and has nothing to do with “backing my thang up” I thought I would share both lessons I learned. Okay the first story goes like this. A few weeks ago I had planned on attending a blogger event. I was so excited to attend. I knew The Husband may not want to go due to the fact that it was in his work area and I didn’t want to have him drive to that area on a Sunday when he had to return that Monday. So I had planned on finding another way. Well when I was talking to The HUsband about it he said that he would take me. However then another dilemma occurred I thought it was a family event which it was but I forgot to RSVP that I would be bringing my family. So then I was back to trying to find another way to the event because it became even more pointless for my family to ride up just to drop me off. Something I should have taken care of a few weeks ago. I unfortunately wound up not being able to attend the event. This is why it is important to have a plan B if it is at all possible. The Husband said he wouldn’t have minded taking me but I think it would’ve been unfair and they couldn’t go because of my doing.
My second story of having a back up actually happened today. I guess you noticed that my blog looks different. Well there is a story behind it. Yesterday I installed a new plug in for the purpose of a site that helps me monetize my blog. Well when I got up this morning to write this very post I found that I was unable to pull up my admin page. I am still learning about blogging and I don’t have the money to pay someone to fix it so I decided to explore ways to fix it. So I went to the site that is hosting me and I started searching. Well there was a WordPress upgrade. I attempted to install it and got an error message. upon seeing this I clicked uninstall thinking it would lead me back to where I started. The problem with that is this was my 3rd time installing it and I knew full well to get back to where I started I needed to click the button that allowed me to go to my earlier version but nope I clicked uninstall and it uninstalled my entire blog which left me where I am at now. Oh and lets add on to the fact that I haven’t backed up any of my files since May when I moved. Yep I am stating from square one basically. So the big lesson here is to back up your files. Which I will be doing at the end of all my posts from now on. If not the same day then the next. At least once a week. When I pressed that button I absolutely wanted to cry. All my months of hardwork when down the drain. I don’t think I will ever get over this.

The blog looks great! Sounds like a long week but I’m glad everything’s okay.
Thank you!! I appreciate you stopping by
I believe there is always one thing we learn each day from small simple thing to big moments of lightbulb. commenting MPM Facebook group:)
earthlingorgeous recently posted…Philippine Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2014 Show Schedule
Awww, that’s too bad you lost all your blogs.
That being the case, you might consider disconnecting the “linkWithin” feature temporarily until you get a series of new blog pages built up. Currently it’s connecting to 404 “can’t find page” errors.
Thanks for that info. I will definitely do that.
Ouch! That was a hard lesson, regarding losing your blog. I’d better find my back-up drive while I’m thinking about it. Thanks!
pattisj recently posted…Random 5 Friday–8/8/2013
Yes it most definitely was. Glad I could help.
It does look great Kat!! I hate that you lost everything, I have had it happen to me as well but luckily my best friend is a tech person and she knew just how to fix it all…otherwise I would have lost years of work.