After a long hiatus Parenthood is back on the air. I have been a big fan of this show since it premiered a few years ago. My favorite couple is Crosby and Jasmine. They have had their ups and downs but they seem to finally be working it out as a couple. I think I like this show because they are what I believe a family should be. They go through stuff and make each other angry but they are always there for each other. SOme people just don’t have that type of dynamic in their family. When they last left off. Christine had just found out she was in remission of cancer, Julia had just lost her job, Jasmine had just found out she was pregnant, and Sarah had just ended another relationship. Sarah’s two children were going through changes as well Drew was headed off to college and Amber was trying to help her boyfriend deal with some issues that he had. All these changes had me thrilled for the new season. I had no idea that it would take as long as it did. I suspect that the long hiatus had something to do with decisions to bring the show back or not. The way it ended it seemed to me that it wasn’t coming back. Nonetheless I am glad it is. Here is what I thought of the season premiere.
I loved the way it started off with Jasmine at the end of her pregnancy. I don’t think I could of bared watching the whole pregnancy knowing it had been a minute since the show had been on the air. I was happy to see Max making strides to independence. I think it is great that they show him progressing and showing interest in something. It shows that children with autism can be productive individuals. I commend this kid though he is a great actor at such young age. I actually thought he was a actor who actually has autism but upon reading his biography I found out he doesn’t. I mean I think that is just awesome! Christine is doing great with moving on with her life after cancer. I won’t say what but just know she is getting ready to make some big moves. Again I don’t want to wind up on anyone’s hit list. If I do by chance ever decide to divulge anything that has happened on an episode of a show that I am watching I will be sure to warn you all but just know I did warn you. Crosby and Jasmine are adjusting to life from one kid to two and Crosby is in a whole new element because he has never had to deal with a new baby like Jasmine has . He is totally inexperienced in this department because I believe Jabbar was 5 when he met him. I think the show is off to a great start to the new season. I believe that it will continue to hold my attention. Can’t wait to see in which direction everyone’s life is headed. I am totally thrilled. WHat did you think of the season opener?
Sounds like a good show. I haven’t watched it yet, I think I’ll give it a look
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