Happy Monday! Time for another Self Love Monday post. I know it's been awhile but I really haven't been doing many things to celebrate. So I waited until I had something. As you know The Husband and I have become big fans of bike riding. We love to get on our bikes and just ride. Often times we never really have a destination. We like to just pick a path and ride. That's what we did this weekend. Now our previous riding record was 12 miles. We :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Monday: Ringing In 38
Yesterday was my birthday! I am now 38 years old. I can't wait to see what the journey to 39 will be. So this Self Love Monday is about that very thing. Each year I get older I start to appreciate life just a little more. I used to worry about the people who didn't call and acknowledge that day or get mad because my birthday wasn't celebrated the way I wish it would have been. I was all caught up in the negative things that for awhile I didn't :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Monday: My New Bike Riding Life
It's Self Love Monday! Time to pat ourselves on the back for our accomplishments. No matter how big or how small they are. We must first recognize ourselves before we are recognized by others. Let's own our wins for the week because we deserve it. :: Keep Reading ::
Self Love Monday: I Am In Love……..With Me!
This Self Love Monday is special to me. Well all of them are but this one is definitely a special one. Remember Self Love Monday is where we pat ourselves on the back for our accomplishments. It doesn't matter how small or big they are or when they were. We just want to learn to celebrate ourselves. If we don't do it then who will. :: Keep Reading ::
Mommy & Me Monday: Bike Riding & Walking In The Park
This weekend my family and I decided to take advantage of the great weather here in Georgia. We decided to do a little bike riding & walking in the park near our house. Actually it's not that close to our house but not too far. We wound up buying a bike rack. Darn thing took The Husband and I 30 minutes to put it together but it was well worth it to see our kids go zooming through the park. The park we went to was Graves Park. We love this :: Keep Reading ::