This week has been a good one. I had some challenges but I pretty much survived . I learned a few things about myself this week. I do believe that I have seen some growth of myself this week. I realized that I have some changes that I need to make in order to be a better person in my personal life. Sometimes you don't know how your actions can affect people until to step back and look at yourself. I have been taking a little time to actually do :: Keep Reading ::
5 Things I’m Proud That I Did In 2021
Today is the last day of 2021. I must say it has been one heck of a year. It had it's ups and downs but we made it through. I would have to say that I feel like I have accomplished a great deal. No I didn't accomplish everything that I really wanted to accomplish but instead of focusing on the negative I am going to focus on the positives. I want to end 2021 celebrating the great things that have happened to me this year. :: Keep Reading ::
My Words For 2016
Lately I haven't been noticing people using words instead of resolutions as a way to say what they want for 2016. I found it interesting. I guess it's a way of speaking the things that you want into existence. This year I am all about being positive. So I think that it doesn't hurt to give a few things a try. One thing I am doing is keeping some of my goals to myself. I also plan on attempting a vision board. I said I was going to do this last :: Keep Reading ::