Usually from the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant she starts forming dreams of all the things she is going to do with her baby. It could be images of playing with them. All the sports they are going to play. All the things they are going to do together. The ideas become even more clear when they find out the sex of the said baby. Of course, you might also start photographing your precious baby bum. I know someone who got a Bay Area :: Keep Reading ::
Six Ways To Find Scholarship Opportunities For Your Senior
This post is sponsored. I have been compensated either monetarily or via product. All opinions expressed are my own. With two kids in high school, the thought of college is never too far from my mind. Especially now that I have one about to graduate. I know one way of saving money on college besides starting a college fund when your child is younger or even now is through scholarships such as the Adrian Rubin Scholarship or Dr. Usha Rajagopal :: Keep Reading ::
Teenagers & Stress
While Christmas and Christmas vacation is around the corner I was reminded yesterday about how stressful this time of year can be for kids especially teenagers in high school. Christmas break begins Friday evening for us. That means that the kids are taking their exams at the end of the week. So while they are looking forward to well earned vacation they are also dealing with the stress of exams because this signifies the end of the semester. See :: Keep Reading ::
NaBloPoMo: Everyone Isn’t Going To Like Me……….It’s Okay Though
Good morning. I have decided to participate in Nablopomo. If you don't know what Nablopomo is it's a list of prompts that are given to bloggers to help them spark ideas. The one I've chosen to write is what is the most important lesson you learned as a child and who taught it to you. So this is technically day two of Nablopomo for me. :: Keep Reading ::
High School: Beyond The Grades
Nishe' started high school last year. So now conversations in the house have changed to what she wants to do after high school and how we are going to get her there. Now she has great grades and now we are venturing into AP classes. We are also having the conversation about how extracurricular activities are almost a requirement to get into a good college. We are trying to find the right extracurricular activity for her. One that she is :: Keep Reading ::