This weekend I was so proud of my son Tyler. He had his first band jamboree. He has been practicing after school for three weeks straight. Sometimes the practices didn't end until about eight at night. But he handled it all. He was such a trooper. I think that he did great for his first time. He is such a strong young man. The practices taught him stamina and how to hold his drum along with the music. Then he would come home and do whatever :: Keep Reading ::
Nominate A Teen For The Coca-Cola Pay It Forward Academy #CokePayItForward
This year, my oldest child Nishe' entered her first year of high school. I think this was scarier for me than it was for her. High school brings a bunch of new thoughts and worries to the forefront. One of those worries is college. The countdown to college has officially begun. We have to begin to answer some questions that we as a family haven't had to think about until now. One of the most important issues is keeping Nishe' on track :: Keep Reading ::
Great Book Series For Middle/High Schoolers
One of Tyler and Nishe's favorite things to do in the world besides play electronics and to play outside is to read. They actually spend more time reading than they do watching television which I love. When we leave the house on the weekends they always pick up two things. Either their Nintendo Ds or their tablets but one thing that is always constant is a book. Most times when we ask them what they want when we have a little extra money they :: Keep Reading ::
I Chaperoned A Field Trip To The High Museum
Last week I had the pleasure of chaperoning two field trips for my daughter's high school. It was a trip for the art class at the school. The trip was to the High Museum of Art. Nishe' had asked me to be the chaperone for her class a few weeks ago. When her teacher found out I was on board she asked me to chaperone her other class as well. I told her I would be happy to. I was a bit nervous though because this was my first time chaperoning a high :: Keep Reading ::