Lately I’ve been paying a little more attention to myself. I have been looking inward more because I’ve been dealing with a situation. I’ve learned that sometimes were things go left is a good thing to look in the mirror. Yes you want to point the finger at everyone else. However you have to see your part in the situation. No this doesn’t mean you are taking full responsibility but you do know what to do next time. :: Keep Reading ::
The Path Least Traveled
Usually when I go pick my daughter up from school I alternate between a shortcut in our neighborhood which was basically a hole in the fence of the apartment complex next to us and taking the long way around. Well the other day I went to take the shortcut and was disappointed to find out that the apartment complex had the nerve to fix their fence. Ha ha ha! I'm kidding! Sort of. I knew they would eventually fix it. I will miss my little :: Keep Reading ::