Today is the last day of 2021. I must say it has been one heck of a year. It had it's ups and downs but we made it through. I would have to say that I feel like I have accomplished a great deal. No I didn't accomplish everything that I really wanted to accomplish but instead of focusing on the negative I am going to focus on the positives. I want to end 2021 celebrating the great things that have happened to me this year. :: Keep Reading ::
Consistency In 2020
Happy New Year! For the past few years I have taken to choosing a word that will define my New Year or something that I need to work on that I want to improve on. In the past I have chosen words like focus. Last year they were forward and no excuses. When I think about it I think that I actually did move forward on a number of things this year. I was really working on not harping on the past cause I tend to internalize things and use them as an :: Keep Reading ::
Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016
It is officially 2016! Can you believe it! I can honestly say that my 2015 was a great year. Of course it had it's ups and downs but I survived. I learned so much about myself that it isn't even funny. I have grown in so many ways. I am stronger than I imagined. I can definitely hold my own in situations where I didn't think that I could. I have started to focus on myself just a little bit more. It is making me a better mom, wife, and just all :: Keep Reading ::
3 Reasons Why I’m Cutting The Word Resolution From My Vocabulary
Every year near the end of the year I do like everyone else and decide what things I want to change for the following year. Most things are repeats from the things that I said I wanted to change at the beginning of the year and the year before that and the year before that and so forth. I think you get the picture. Number one at the top of the list is things like get in shape. Now don't get me wrong some things have changed and other things :: Keep Reading ::