This weekend I learned sobering about myself. I have moments where I will pay attention to what I’m doing and realize there is something I need to work on. That is what happened this weekend. So it’s time for a little story time. :: Keep Reading ::
5 Things I’ve Learned About Myself
Lately I’ve been paying a little more attention to myself. I have been looking inward more because I’ve been dealing with a situation. I’ve learned that sometimes were things go left is a good thing to look in the mirror. Yes you want to point the finger at everyone else. However you have to see your part in the situation. No this doesn’t mean you are taking full responsibility but you do know what to do next time. :: Keep Reading ::
A Random Thought On My Mind: Dealing With My Own Prejudice Thoughts
Sometimes I hear or see something and realize what I'm hearing or seeing is a message to me. So yesterday morning I was up after making sure my kids were up and getting ready for school. I usually spend that time going through Facebook. As I was scrolling I happened to see a post about a woman leaving a group I'm a part of because of some members' prejudices against Caucasian people. She said that even an act of kindness is turned :: Keep Reading ::
I Am No Longer Going To Be A Doormat
I have noticed this for awhile but haven't done anything about it. For years I noticed that others speak to me in a manner that they would never speak to anyone else. I am always shocked when this happen. Cause I can see them speak with someone in a different manner than they do me. They give them an air of respect that I just don't seem to get. I keep getting these epiphanies but change nothing. I realized that it was time to do something about :: Keep Reading ::
Sometimes You Don’t Understand Unless It Happens To You
As I have grown up I have come to realize that some things that people complain about you don't understand unless it happens to you. I have had people complain about something that I was doing that I didn't really think was a big deal until someone did that exact thing to me. For example I now understand how The Husband feels when he tells me I did something that I had told him multiple times that I wouldn't then instead of apologizing I would :: Keep Reading ::