Lately I’ve been paying a little more attention to myself. I have been looking inward more because I’ve been dealing with a situation. I’ve learned that sometimes were things go left is a good thing to look in the mirror. Yes you want to point the finger at everyone else. However you have to see your part in the situation. No this doesn’t mean you are taking full responsibility but you do know what to do next time. :: Keep Reading ::
Valuing Opinions of Others
I'm back with another NaBloPoMo writing prompt. Today I'm going to share a worry that I would love to permanently drop. One of my biggest worries that have plagued me for a majority of my life is what people think of me. I don't know why but people not liking me has always bothered me. I have even adjusted my life to be what people thought that I should be. I know I was doing all this because I wanted to fit in and I wanted friends. I also was :: Keep Reading ::
A Random Thought On My Mind: Dealing With My Own Prejudice Thoughts
Sometimes I hear or see something and realize what I'm hearing or seeing is a message to me. So yesterday morning I was up after making sure my kids were up and getting ready for school. I usually spend that time going through Facebook. As I was scrolling I happened to see a post about a woman leaving a group I'm a part of because of some members' prejudices against Caucasian people. She said that even an act of kindness is turned :: Keep Reading ::